GO TO BED! If You Are Serious About Weight Loss!

Posted in IF General


If You’re Serious About Weight Loss-GO TO BED!

No matter how many times you hear it, you still stay up later than you know you should. Go to sleep!  I promise, you will not miss anything!  You will however, be gaining a LOT by getting in more zzzzzs.

Sleep is something I have often found is truly the “missing link” when it comes to weight loss. Some of my most challenging clients have been nurses.  This is due to a large extent because of shift work.  Your body has its own internal clock.  You are suppose to start winding down when the sun does and get up rested and energetic when the sun rises.  However, we all know this is far from the way we now live our lives!  Modern technology, busy schedules, stress and artificial light have all affected our ability to get an adequate amount of good quality sleep.

Much of the magic your body does, repairing and building your body happens at night.  Adequate sleep is important for disease prevention as well as hormone balance.  But the one thing that really motivates my clients to get more sleep is HUNGER!!  Studies have shown that those who get less than 5 hours sleep a night have higher amounts of the hormone ghrelin and lower amounts of leptin than people who slept an average of eight hours per night.  This is significant because leptin is produced by your fat cells and low levels are a signal of starvation to your body.  Ghrelin on the other hand, is produced by your tummy and it is an appetite STIMULANT-so the more your body produces, the hungrier you are!  An “aha moment” am I right?

So this week, you’re going to give it a shot!  Set an alarm if you have to, but go to sleep at the same time each night, as much as possible.  My recommendation is to try and get a couple hours of shut eye before midnight.  I know, and I can hear you groaning.  But trust me, the hours before midnight are critical.  I try to be in bed by 10-10:30 most nights during the week.  I challenge you to do the same, but at the very least.  Let’s set 11pm as the deadline!!

You’ve got this!

8 Easy Tips To Start Sleeping Better Tonight!

1)   Turn off the TV and all mobile devices an hour before bedtime. The artificial light they cast reduces your body’s ability to produce a very important hormone called melatonin, which is critical for falling and staying asleep.  Additionally, low levels of melatonin have been associated with higher breast cancer risks.

2)   Make sure your room is really dark (you should not be able to see your hand in front of your face)

3)   Remove any electrical devices from your room or make sure they are at least 3 feet away from you to reduce exposure to Electromagnetic Frequencies “EMF”.

4)   Turn your phone to “airplane” mode to prevent a constant flow of EMF’s beside your head.

5)   Make sure your feet are warm, cold feet can make it difficult to fall asleep

6)   Curb any caffeine after lunch.

7)   Eat in hormonal balance to stabilize blood sugar.

8)   For those of you who can’t seem to quiet your brain at night.  Leave a note pad by the bed so that you can write down what comes to mind and reduce your anxiety that you will forget it in the morning.


Ciara Foy

Innovative Fitness Official Nutritionist





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