Setting Goals Vs. Being “Too Busy”

Posted in IF Science

Jason Brooks is no rookie to training, being a long time rugby player and road cyclist. This year, Jason picked up another hobby – ice hockey. He plays once a week with his team, working out once per week with Innovative Fitness and once on his own.

Twice a week he also runs the 11 kms from North Vancouver to Downtown where he works as a lawyer. Yes, that is right, he is a busy professional and also father of four! How is he able to fit everything in his schedule and make it all work is impressive. He is a proof that there is NO EXCUSE to miss a workout.

His dedication and work ethic are astonishing and keeps me wondering where he gets all the energy for all the hard work. Jason knows that to stay on track, he needs to set achievable and measurable goals. One such goal is the 2016 Seek the Peak run for BC Cancer Foundation. This is a 16 km long, 4100ft climb/run from Ambleside Beach to the top of Grouse Mountain. Jason knows this will be a tough test of his fitness and he is prepared to face it. Three weeks ago, Jason injured his knee while playing ice hockey and needed to take care of it, and with help from his physiotherapist he bounced back into training in one week!

His weekly workouts, early morning runs, and late night games make his goal achievable. Every week, Jason reports to me his run times and his current condition updates, making sure he is moving in the right direction. Last week Jason managed to squeeze 8.3 km into 40 minutes which is around 4:47/km. Great work Jason! Jason also has a strength goal of being able to do 20 chin-ups before spring 2016.

Good luck Jason!


Professional Training Coach
Innovative Fitness – Four Seasons
Cell: 604.902.0391/Phone:604.609.5450
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