Training with Friends is Awesome

Posted in IF Insights

Usually when I go Innovative Fitness my sessions are just my coach and I. Yes, we get lots of good work done, and yes it is fun (sometimes!), but when I bring in a friend to train with me it is always twice as awesome. Today I brought in my friend and running rival Lanni Marchant and we had a killer session. Here are some of the benefits of training with a partner:

  • It is fun! One of the things I love most about hanging out with my friends is that we always have a good time together. So I know that when they come to work out with me that no matter how hard the session is we will have fun together. You can laugh at each other if you make mistakes, and make jokes as you go along. Lanni and I were laughing throughout our entire session today and it was awesome.
  • You will work harder. There is only so much your trainer can say to motivate you during a workout. But when you have a friend there, their encouragement can be that little extra bit you need to push your self. You may see how hard they are working and be inspired to do the same. Or, if you are like me, you are very competitive and you treat the workout with your friend like a fun competition. This definitely pushes me harder!
  • You learn about your weaknesses. Lanni and I are both elite distance runners. Our personal best times in the 10,000m are only 5 seconds apart – so both equally great runners. It was interesting to watch each other in the gym today to see what each of us was good at and what the other needed to work on. I did not realize how weak my lower back was until I watched Lanni do an exercise that I could barely do. And there was a core exercise that I could do much more easily than Lanni. Now we can help each other to strengthen our weaknesses, so we can become even faster!
  • You actually get to spend time together! Life is busy these days and it is hard to find time to spend with your family and friends. Being able to combine a workout with quality friend time is pretty awesome. Working together in the gym is a great way to build a friendship, as you often will see each other in vulnerable moments. I brought in a friend a few months ago that I hadn’t seen in ages. She had an amazing experience at IF and I was so happy that I was there to enjoy it with her.

So next time you are going in for a training session at IF, bring a friend and do a doubles session (just be sure to give your coach a heads up)! I promise you, it will be an awesome time and a wicked workout!

Natasha Kodak,

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