Top Health Tips for Aging Women

Posted in Health Wellness
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Empowering Women Through Fitness: Navigating Menopause and Aging Gracefully

Essential nutrients like calcium, Vitamin D, and collagen play a pivotal role in fostering the well-being of women as they age

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s crucial to shine a spotlight on the health and wellness of women, especially during significant life stages like menopause and aging. Embracing good nutrition and an active lifestyle can significantly mitigate declines in muscle and joint health, bone density, and skin integrity. At Innovative Fitness, we recognize the unique needs of pre/post-menopausal women and are committed to empowering them through personalized fitness and nutrition programs. In this article, we’ll explore the impact of aging on a woman’s body and provide top health and nutrition tips to navigate these stages of life with strength and grace.

Understanding the Changes in a Woman’s Body:

As women enter menopause, typically between the ages of 45 to 55 (a decade or so earlier than they do for men), their bodies undergo rapid changes. It’s important to be aware of these changes, which include:

  • Joint health: Up to 23% loss of cartilage
  • Bone mineral density: Up to 10% decline
  • Skin health: Up to 30% loss of structural proteins
  • Muscle health: Up to 8% loss of muscle mass per decade

Consuming nourishing foods and embracing an active lifestyle can contribute to mitigating these effects. Achieving healthy aging is attainable and can enhance overall quality of life. Beginning to prepare for perimenopause as early as your thirties can make all the difference when it comes to improving your quality of life during and post-menopause. 

The Importance of Fitness During Menopause and Aging

Regular exercise plays a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of aging on the female body. At Innovative Fitness, we believe in empowering women at all stages of their menopause & fitness journey to help by:

  • Supporting joint health
  • Maintaining bone density
  • Promoting skin health
  • Preserving muscle mass

women pushing weights

Top Health Tips for Pre/Post-Menopausal Women

1. Supplementing with Collagen

  • Collagen supplementation can help prevent/reduce osteoarthritis symptoms by slowing the breakdown of bone mass which happens during menopause. 
  • Supports joint health and counters the inevitable loss of cartilage and can even assist postmenopausal women build more bone.
  • Collagen can also help with the appearance of skin elasticity & improve hair health.

2. Increased Protein Intake

  • Higher protein intake preserves muscle mass during menopause. This protein powder is a great source to include in your diet. Preserving muscle mass through increased protein intake is important for stabilizing blood sugar, preventing dizziness/fatigue, and maintaining a healthy weight.  
  • Be sure to incorporate 60-70 grams per day of protein-rich foods into your diet for overall muscle health. This looks like about a palm size amount of protein at 3 meals a day. Here are some of our favourite protein rich recipes:

3.  Vitamin D Intake for Bone Health

  • Ensure adequate vitamin D levels to support bone health, especially during menopause.
  • Explore natural sources of vitamin D, such as eggs, sardines, liver, and salmon. Consider supplementation if you are unable to get sunlight everyday. Always check with your doctor first before starting a new supplement. . 
  • It’s especially challenging to get adequate amounts of vitamin D during the winter months so vitamin D supplements are typically recommended. It is safe to take up to 4000 IU per day in the winter months.

4. Calcium Supplement for Estrogen Support

  • Calcium supplementation supports estrogen and aids in bone remodeling. 
  • Maintain optimal calcium levels for better bone health and reduced osteoporosis risk. Taking vitamin D with your calcium can assist in the absorption. 

The Innovative Fitness Approach

At Innovative Fitness, we go beyond conventional fitness programs to address the specific needs of pre/post-menopausal women. We offer nutrition coaching to help support and educate women about what to expect and how to navigate this stage of life. 

As we celebrate the strength and resilience of women on International Women’s Day, Innovative Fitness is dedicated to empowering women to embrace fitness as a tool for navigating menopause and aging gracefully. Explore our personalized training programs designed to support you on this journey, and join us in celebrating the health and wellness of women every day.

Book your free consultation today to get started.

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