Why not try a Triathlon?

Posted in IF General

On August 23, 2015 Innovative Fitness Kitsilano competed in the Kelowna Apple Triathlon, many for the first time. Are you looking for a new challenge? Maybe Triathlon is for you!

Here are some of the athletes on their experiences:

What did you find challenging in particular about this triathlon as opposed to what you have done in the past?

Josh: The Apple Triathlon challenged me in two big ways. First (and completely unexpectedly) was the weather! Having to battle through the thick smoke was neither comfortable, nor easy. It made visibility through already foggy glasses even more limited, and the lungs really took a beating – felt like I smoked a few packs. Second was the elevation change on the bike course. Although I could see the map of the layout before the race started, it was difficult to know how much to give on the first lap. I feel like knowing the course, or having done it once would have really made a difference on the race.

What was your biggest challenge in training for your first Triathlon?

Dani: I’d say that there were two main aspects of training for this event that challenged me in particular. The first was practicing not only the individual disciplines but joining them together and practicing transitions. You end up fatiguing in a much different way on a run if it is preceded by a swim and a bike! Second was the open water swim – much different from swimming in a pool! It seems daunting at first, but I got the hang of it pretty quick.

What do you enjoy about the sport of triathlon?

Mike: How multifaceted it is. You can lose a race in the swim, the bike, or the run. You really have to be a complete endurance athlete to be successful in the sport. Everybody has their weaknesses, and this sport really forces you to hammer them. Each person I trained with for this triathlon has pushed themselves in areas where they were apprehensive before and have become better athletes as a result.

What advice would you give someone who wants to compete in their first tri?

Bret: Train for it! Even if you feel like you can just go out and complete the race at your current fitness level – don’t. You need to train to be comfortable in the water, practice your transitions, learn how to pace yourself on the bike and the run, have goal times for each stage so you are happy with your time at the end and excited about challenging yourself to another one. Talk to your training coach to get a basic tri program and get started asap. Oh and don’t forget to have fun, after all that is what it is all about, learn to enjoy the process.

Michael Chong

Professional Training Coach

Events Manager
Innovative Fitness Kitsilano
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