What Shoes to Wear

Posted in IF General

After a summer of wonderful weather, I’m sure many of us took advantage of the opportunity to be outdoors the last few months. Especially for those of you who have recently picked up running, or for those who have packed on the miles this summer, hopefully most, if not all has been injury-free.

Maybe you’ve been spending time stretching and rolling. Maybe you might feel a twinge every now and then, but you’ll just throw an ice pack on the knee after a long run. Maybe you just take a few Advil and stick to the running program. Or maybe you stop running altogether…

There can always be more than one problem, but one of the most common is to check your footwear. The proper shoes can help decrease the risk of injury, while the wrong or overly used pair can alter your form and load excessive force on the body.


The proper shoe should be very comfortable with your biomechanics. Most running-specific stores, like Kintec, will provide you with a walking/running analysis, which can prove to be very beneficial in finding the right pair. Again, make sure the shoe feels good on your foot – if it’s giving you aches and pains after use, keep looking.

Try going through different makes and models to find the perfect fit, and prepare to buy a new pair every 4-6 months depending on your level of use. Also, make sure to work in the new pair – walk in them only the first week, run in them every other day the next week, and slowly build up your distance until they fully contour to your foot.

Hoka OneOne

Some of the new trending footwear models include maximalist shoes, such as the Hoka OneOne, which provides extra cushioning for long distances, but also remains lightweight and allows for a natural running gait. Or you might even prefer minimal shoes – regardless, your feet deserve better…so take care of them! Find the best fit and happy running!

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