The Importance of the Functional Movement Screen

Posted in IF General

We stress our bodies on a daily basis and cause them to adapt on a subconscious level. We create patterns to move efficiently throughout the day without even thinking about it. However, often these patterns are created to compensate for lack of strength, or to reduce pain, which result in dysfunctional movements.

These dysfunctional patterns are very rarely noticed and eventually result in further dysfunction or injury. Being able to diagnose these movement dysfunctions and correct them allows for safer, more efficient everyday movement, as well as being able to push your body in a physical setting without higher risk of injury.


The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is the product of an exercise philosophy known as Functional Movement Systems. This exercise philosophy and corresponding set of resources is based on sound science, years of innovation, and current research. The screen itself consists of a serious of primitive movements that are scored based on the presence, or lack of, a movement dysfunction. This provides an overall score that is valid and reliable against a retest, and a basis for communication and correction from trainer to client.

When participating in any form of physical activity, the body is being placed under a greater amount of stress that it is used to. We can even measure the amount or intensity of stress through indicators such as heart rate, ventilation rate, and perspiration. As we push our bodies beyond a physical norm, we again begin to create adaptations to make the work “easier”. This is where being able to test for a dysfunction in normative movement patterns becomes so crucial. If we are pushing our bodies with the presence of a dysfunction or asymmetry, we are going to facilitate that issue, greatly increasing the risk of injury.

By using the FMS to identify dysfunctions and providing corrective exercises, trainers are able to more confidently push their clients out of their comforts zones, achieving goals that previously may not have been attainable with the high risk of injury due to a dysfunction. If you are ready to take your training to the next level and accomplish greater goals, talk to your coach about getting a screen done and start to implement the corrective exercises daily to get maximum benefit.

Mark Oxford
Professional Training Coach
Innovative Fitness Kitsilano

p. 604 714 1661  / c. 778 388 9125
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