Sugar cravings? Blame your gut bugs!

Posted in IF General

First it was Thanksgiving, then Halloween, and now we are right smack in the middle of the holiday party season. No big deal, it’s just “one treat”, right? …Except that it turns into a week of treats and there is no end in sight. It’s like you’ve taken a bite of the forbidden fruit and you’re cursed! Those damn sugar cravings are killing you. Why oh why are sugar cravings so hard to kick? 

I’m sure many of you have heard that sugar is even more addictive for the brain than cocaine.  While that’s true, it’s not the only reason you’re suffering from these intense cravings. Lack of sleep, stress/adrenal fatigue, and unbalanced meals are a few additional factors to consider.  But let’s talk about one you probably haven’t heard of. 


Yes, bugs and you may not believe me, but there are 10x as many little bacteria in your body than your own DNA! Seriously, that’s no exaggeration.  We are full of bacteria and more than that, they play a CRITICAL role in our health.  In fact, 70-80% of our immune system is dependant on a healthy gut.   

So what does this have to do with sugar cravings? Well, not only are these guys super influential to your health.  But they are also living breathing things and like any living creature, they have a strong will to survive.  

When you eat sugar you are feeding the “bad” bacteria in your gut.  In order for them to survive, they need more sugar.  So, they do what any living thing would do, fight to survive!  They do this by sending you a CRAVING for more sugar. See, there is a real fight going on in your body, but it’s not just in your head 😉

In a recent study, it was discovered that the gut bacteria in an overweight person was vastly different than that of a lean person.  The overweight person’s bacteria consisted of far more “pathogenic” bacteria, i.e. disease causing, as well as bacteria that has an infinity for carbohydrates and EVEN little bugs that help pull MORE calories from food! 

While this may sound completely unfair and enough to make you throw your hands up in despair.  The study didn’t stop there.  The researchers changed the diet of their overweight subjects and lo and behold in as little as 24 hours, the type of bacteria in their gut started to shift for the better!  That’s fantastic news! 

So what does this mean for you? You need to STARVE those bad gut bugs and start eating lots of whole fresh fruits and vegetables, especially fermented foods like sauerkraut, miso and tempeh to help support good bacteria growth and send those bad ones packing! But how?  

 The hard truth here, is that you really have to stop with the sugar cold turkey.  Trust me, it’s the easiest way.   As long as you’re having a little bit of sugar, both your brain, your hormones (insulin) and those little critters, will be working against you! 

But here’s a tip to help!

One of the most powerful things you can take to increase digestion, alkalize your body and balance your blood sugar, thereby reducing cravings is:

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

First thing in the morning, mix 1 tablespoon of organic with “the mother” included ACV in a full glass of water and wait 20 min before eating. During the first few days that you’re trying to pry those cookies out of your hand, also try having it 20 min before lunch and dinner.  In studies it has shown to be as effective as some diabetic drugs at controlling blood sugar.   

If I haven’t mentioned it before, balancing your blood sugar is the KEY to losing weight, balancing your hormones, reducing cravings and can go a long way to preventing a whole range of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. 

Before I sign off and say goodnight.  I have something special for you in case a chocolate craving hits, that you just can’t ignore!

Chocolate Velvet Vegan Pudding

  • 2 small Avocados
  • 1 ripe Banana
  • 4 soaked Medjool dates 
  • 4 tbsp raw cacao 
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • Sea salt to taste
  • Maple syrup to taste, only if needed

Simply add everything to a blender and pulse slowly until smooth. You can add a little water or maple syrup if you need to thin it.

* If you don’t have time to soak the dates you can use maple syrup to sweeten. 

4 servings

Stay healthy and inspired!

Ciara Foy
Principal, Ciara Foy Nutrition
m: 416-271-4369 | e:  | w: |
a: 100 King Street West, Suite 5700, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C7

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