Lacking Motivation

Posted in IF General

IF_BlogIMGs_Aug20149Lacking Motivation?  That’s OK, you don’t need it!

Most people have tried to lose weight and get in shape at least once.  Ok, let’s be honest.  The majority of people have tried it a dozen or more times without success.  There are a million different reasons why people are successful at losing weight and then gain it back.  As someone who has counseled hundreds of clients on weight loss and nutrition over the last 10 years, I can tell you that the number one reason people tell me they fell off track was “lack of motivation”.

I call bullshit!  Nobody and I mean nobody has enough motivation to push themselves to eat healthy day in and day out for the rest of their lives.  Nobody.  There has to be much more to it than that if you are to develop a healthy lifestyle that lasts forever.  We are all motivated differently and what is important to you may not be so important to the person standing next to you.  Saying that, here are my top five tips for getting healthy, losing weight and never having to start from ground zero again!

1.             Make Feeling Good a Priority

When I’m working with clients, they are often a little confused in the beginning because I’m always asking them how they feel.  It may seem like an overly touchy-feely approach, but it’s actually really simple and practical.  Most people live their life day to day never thinking twice about how their actions make them feel physically or emotionally.  However, when you are challenged to think about it, you’ll finally hear your body talking to you through symptoms.  Those symptoms may feel like heartburn, bloating, lethargy, anxiety, overwhelm, moodiness, headaches to name just a few.  Life is all about feeling good, so first and foremost we have to address the underlying issues that are causing us to feel bad.  I want my clients to be motivated by how they feel first and foremost.  It may seem like a simple thing, but when you prioritize you and how you feel and or want to feel.  Eating healthy and sticking with an exercise plan become that much easier because they make you FEEL GOOD!

2.             Don’t Give Your Scale So Much Power

It is easy to get caught up in the numbers.  But trust me when I say, they are not as important as you think.  When you start eating healthier and making positive changes in your health and nutrition, many things are happening in your body, and they are not all reflected in the number on the scale you’re staring intently at.  Try to prioritize other important indicators of health such as better sleep, more energy, clearer skin, less cravings and more confidence in yourself because of how amazing you are treating your body!  The weight will come off, but you have to look at the big picture.  Focusing too much on the scale can lead to stress, and that can sabotage all your hard work and actually cause you to put on more fat, especially around your belly, due to excess cortisol, a hormone produced by your adrenal glands when you’re under stress.

3.             Realize there is NO end

The diet industry grows larger every year for one reason, because it fails.  They sold you on the idea that when you have a weight loss goal and reach it you can celebrate, and you’re done!  Sorry to burst your bubble, but it just doesn’t’ work that way.  Almost any cleanse, detox, or diet plan can help you lose weight.  That’s right ANY.  But the truth is that if you don’t continue doing what you did to lose the weight and revert back to your old habits, you will gain the weight back.  GUARANTEED.  Not exactly what you signed up for, right?  What you really want is to keep your new healthy self and trim body! Right?  So how do you do that?  The hard way!  You have to change your habits for good.  You have to lose the weight doing what is sustainable long term.  So what does that look like?  Truthfully, it is kinda boring because it’s not rapid or easy.  It means making small changes that you can stick to and actually enjoy forever.  I always say “If you start a diet you can’t continue forever, you’re already failed”

4.             Nobody is as important as YOU

I know that may seem like a selfish statement.  But I swear it is true.  If you don’t prioritize yourself, you’re not loving yourself enough and a lack of self-love is going to sabotage your best efforts. You may have a family, kids and a career.  You may very well think that being good at anyone one of those things means putting yourself on the back burner, but you would be wrong.  Nothing is more important than you!  When you prioritize your health and your fitness everyone around you benefits!  You have more energy, more confidence, more patience, you perform better, AND you set a good example for those you love.   Give up the idea you have to sacrifice yourself to be a great person, boss, spouse or parent.  I promise, when you’re healthy and happy, you’ll be at your best across the board!

5.             Change your perspective

When you’re stressed or exhausted, you may be tempted to “treat” yourself.  Which is fantastic in my book, except when that means doing or eating things that make you feel like crap!  You may thing that burger and fries will make you feel better, and it may very well be satisfying in the short term.  But chances are it will make you feel tired, bloated and guilty.  Instead, of  truly treat yourself by eating the best food possible!  Nourish your cells with lots of nutrients that will help provide your body with what it needs to adapt to the stress and truly make you feel good!   Make treating yourself mean taking extra care of your body and mind.  Only eat food that is good enough for your absolutely amazing body!  Nothing but the best!

Ciara Foy is a registered Holistic Nutritionist, weight-loss expert and Toronto-based mom to two young girls who believes in “REAL food for REAL life.” What does that mean? In Ciara’s words:“If you start something you can’t do forever, you’ve already failed.” What’s her secret? Start small and choose those lifestyle changes you can stick to, over time. BOOK your consultation with Ciara now »

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