If You’re Not Happy…

Posted in IF General


Straight talk about why you’re struggling to keep your hands out of the cookie jar!

As a Nutritionist, it’s not hard to imagine that I’m not a fan of sugar.  Not only that which we add to food, but also in conversation.

The real me doesn’t sugar coat anything. If you’re a client of mine you know that I’m full of love and motivation, coupled with a  healthy dose of straight talk.  I will hug and support you, but I am also not afraid to tell it like it is.

So if you’re ready for it.  Here is the truth about why your health and weight loss goals continue to elude you.

If you’re not enjoying your life, can’t stand your job, feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends and never have enough time for yourself…

You’re going to FEEL unhappy.

If you’re not happy, you’re not going to be motivated to put the time and effort into yourself that is necessary to feel good.

If that’s where you are, eating well is going to be a pipe dream. Sorry, but that’s the truth. We don’t put effort into things we don’t love and value. If you’re not a priority in your life, then you’re not valuing yourself enough.

Not prioritizing yourself is exactly what is making you feel miserable. If you are living your life for everyone else, your boss, your business, your kids, your husband or even your freaking dog. You’re not filling up your own barrel and therefore it’s dry.

If this is your lifestyle and mindset, of course you’re exhausted and unmotivated, you may even feel depressed and angry. I would even bet resentment is eating you up inside. When you’re in this place, do you want to eat healthy nutrient dense food? Very unlikely.

Even if you ARE making an effort to eat healthy, it likely feels like one-more- thing you are working at and just can’t get RIGHT! Am I right?

So stop making excuses for yourself. Stop waiting for life to slow down so you can make a change, eat well, be happy. I’m here to tell you-You’re just bullshitting yourself! It’s the lifestyle, people. It starts there. Something has got to give. YOU can’t keep living like this.

Stop stealing from yourself by staying up late just to get in some “me” time only to find yourself snacking on junk food and then feeling like shit and absolutely exhausted the next day.

Start small, go to bed by 10pm, get up early and meditate or exercise in the morning and eat a nutrient dense well-balanced breakfast. At least you will be starting your day feeling good, because feeling good is where it’s at.

I promise you if you start that way you’ll be more likely to finish with a smile.

With love,
Ciara xo

Ciara Foy
Principal, Ciara Foy Nutrition
m: 416-271-4369 | e:  | w: www.ciarafoy.com |
a: 100 King Street West, Suite 5700, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C7

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