IF Hyundai Hockey Tour

Posted in IF General


Over the Easter weekend, Innovative Fitness engaged and inspired youth hockey players from across Greater Vancouver at the final stop of the CBC Hockey Night in Canada Hyundai Hockey Nation Tour at the Hillcrest Community Center.

Innovative Fitness was chosen to be responsible for the Dry Land (off-ice) training component of the tour. IF coaches Kevin Wilson, Mark Oxford, Casey Souter and IF founder Matt Young worked with upwards of 500 athletes over two days to finish off the final leg of the cross-Canada tour. The training camp consisted of one on ice session followed by one Dry Land training session for each group.

The camp was put on by Hyundai and the CBC and was free for all athletes to attend. There was a wide variety of skill levels ranging from house players to high level rep players but all worked hard during the sessions and gained some useful training knowledge to implement in their off-season workouts.

We introduced components of training such as speed and agility work, low level plyometric drills, coordination and proper footwork into each session. These drills were followed by upper and lower body strength and core work as well as sport specific conditioning.

Innovative Fitness would like to thank the organizers and workers of the tour for a well run camp and for including us over the weekend to help inspire youth hockey players across the lower mainland.

Casey Souter

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