How to Beat the Heat with Natasha Wodak

Posted in IF General

Well this summer is off to a very HOT start!  June was unseasonably warm, with almost no rain, giving us Vancouverites quite a shock.  We are used to milder temperatures for most of the year, and don’t usually have to worry too much about running/exercising in the heat.  However, this season is proving to be different and we have to learn how to run efficiently and safely in the heat.

The most important piece of advice I can give people about running in the heat is to be prepared by hydrating!  This does not just mean drinking a glass of water before you run.  During weeks of warm weather you should be hydrating with electrolytes EVERY day.  Water just doesn’t cut it- you end up flushing out all of the electrolytes and sodium your body needs if you only hydrate with water.  Try NUUN electrolyte tablets in your water on a daily basis, and especially the night before a run in the sun.  Also if you are mid-run and you are thirsty- STOP and get water!  It’ll only take a few seconds and will be well worth it.


Don’t try to be a hero.  When it’s really hot out, you need to understand that you will not be running a new personal best on your running route.  It’s OK to cut your run down a bit and/or slow the pace when you’re running in the hot sun.  If you try to push through anyway, you may risk overexertion causing illness or injury.  Also- if you kill yourself in a run or workout on a hot day, you are very likely to suffer and not finish.  This will leave you feeling drained physically and emotionally.

Missing a few runs, cutting down the distance, or slowing the pace on super-hot days is not going to impact your fitness.  You will maintain just fine by staying consistent and not killing yourself.  Respect the heat- or it will take you down.

A very simple tip to beat the heat is to avoid running in the middle of the day.  Whenever possible, run as early in the morning as you can, or as late at night.  The temperature in the morning is almost always at least 10 degrees cooler.  If you are stuck running in the middle of a very hot day- opting for an air conditioned treadmill inside is always a good option.

Remember to be prepared when running in the heat.  Where a hat, sunglasses, and sweat wicking clothes.  All these things will help to keep you more comfortable when running.  Pick a route that is shaded- trails are usually your best bet.

During the summer season we tend to be busier, with longer days, nicer weather and lots of holidays- this means we are already more fatigued than any other time of the year.  So you will already be tired and have less time to recover from runs.  Please be careful not to push through runs this time of the year.  If you are hot and exhausted, cut it back- and slow down!  Be safe and smart out there!


Happy running ☺

Natasha Wodak
Sponsored Athlete
Innovative Fitness Kitsilano
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