Change Your Priorities

Posted in IF General


Several weeks ago I was out on a training run through one of the local trails in Abbotsford.  About half an hour in and, after ascending a very steep climb, it tapered off into a flat section full of exposed roots.  One misstep, that’s all it took.  I put my foot down in the wrong spot just once, out of the hundreds of thousands of steps I have taken so far this year.

Flash forward nearly three weeks later and heading into the peak of the racing season, the outlook looks bleak.  I highly suggest never getting a high ankle sprain; they’re definitely not all they’re cracked up to be!

Over the past three years, my interest in fitness and healthy living – in terms of significance in my life – have grown exponentially.  Now, for someone like myself, to be unable to do what I enjoy doing physically really eats at me.   To be quite honest, the few days after injuring myself, I was frustrated, angry, and extremely disappointed because I knew this could potentially be the end to my season.  Over before it even felt like it really started since the biggest events don’t kick off until September.

In one of the many icing sessions with my ankle, I had a chilling epiphany.  This is not the end by any means.  I look back on the last three years and how far I have come, and am very pleased with what I have accomplished.  Just over two years ago, I completed my first 10k.  Just over a year and a half later, I ran over 130km in one day.  I don’t say this to expand my ego.  I am not a superior, genetically-gifted athlete by any means.  I am, however, aware of the work needed and I am not afraid to put in that work.  I am not afraid to challenge myself.  I am not afraid to follow through when I commit to something.

Through these past few years my priorities have shifted.  This is now a significant part of my lifestyle.  It’s not a one year challenge for myself.  The injury is a setback, but it is not an end.

Change your priorities.  Make good habits.  Stick to them.  Look back at where you started.  Celebrate your progress.  Look to where you want to go and follow through.  Make the change and adopt a lifestyle of which you can be very proud.

I am going to add a specific challenge for you this time around.  Pick something two months from now that you want to do.  Pick something very realistic.  First 10k, half, medio fondo, run around the block, lose 10 pounds – anything that is fairly easily attainable.  Now, also pick something that you want to do, but never thought you could. If it scares you just thinking about it, then it’s perfect!  Machu Picchu hike, Canadian Death Race, Ride to Conquer Cancer, lose 60 pounds – really challenge yourself.  Timeline = 1 year.  Bring both of these goals to your training coach.  Plan them out.  Go do it.  Surprise yourself and, in the process, adopt that healthy lifestyle that you won’t be able to or want to shake afterwards.

Jonathan Schouten
Professional Training Coach
Innovative Fitness Abbotsford
P: 6047463923
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