
Posted in IF Science

Once a year as we watch a giant shiny object slowly descend from the top of a building, grab a willing partner to kiss, smash some cookware with wooden spoons and communally countdown from 10-1 to signal the beginning of a new year, we make promises to better ourselves.

Several weeks have now passed since then, how are your resolutions going?

Recent studies have shown that about 50% of people in western cultures make resolutions every year. 88% of people fail. Why? It was reported that about a third set unrealistic goals, another third didn’t keep track of them, a quarter completely forgot about them, and ten percent said they made too many.

Goal setting is an incredible tool for self improvement if used properly. The words USED PROPERLY are very important there. First, don’t wait for some special day to change your life. If there is something you legitimately want to change in your life, don’t wait until December 31st when your decision making skills are likely in a compromised state due to vast amounts of alcohol, fried foods and bad life choices. I think New Year’s resolutions are up there with Black Friday in terms of ironic timing.

There is a very simple way to break down goals in ways that make them more attainable. It’s called the SMART method. Time to dissect further:

S – Specific – don’t be vague, choose what you want to get accomplished. Want to start running? Make it specific, do a 5k in March. Want to spend more time with family? Plan family dinners these 3 days a week.

M – Measurable – be able to measure it! “I want to become fit” is the worst goal ever! If you choose that I will personally come over and flying knee you in the stomach. Do 10 consecutive pushups, go do a local hike in less than 2 hours. You must be able to measure it if you want to see any progress.

A – Attainable – is it achievable? Will it challenge you?

R – Realistic and Relevant – although you should always challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone, make sure it meshes with your life – work 16 hours a day, and want to train for an Ironman? Or want to read a book every week? That may not work right now.

T – Time Oriented – when will you get your goals done? Plan to review and revise them as time passes.

Use these tools to revise your New Year’s resolutions. Make them better, make them bulletproof and crush 2016. Don’t wait another year to change.

Jonathan Schouten, B. Kin.
Professional Training Coach
Innovative Fitness Abbotsford
P: 604.746.3923
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