Getting Back on Track

Posted in IF Science

It can be tough to get back into your regular routine after the holidays; due to the fact that we maybe choose to indulge a little more than usual, stay up later-wake up later, and maybe we’re just not as active as we usually are in those last few weeks of December.

Now that we’ve turned the page into 2016, it’s time to get motivated and start the year off on the right foot. Here’s how:

  1. Regular meals – Make sure you’re eating breakfast within an hour from when you wake up, and space your meals evenly throughout the day. This will help level your appetite and will maximize your metabolism. If you try to cut back too heavily, your body will slow down and burn fewer calories.
  2. Drink more water – Staying hydrated is needed for an optimal metabolism, and will also help relieve your body of excess sodium. Aim to drink about 2 litres per day.
  3. Cut back on carbs – Try to keep most of your plate for vegetables and lean proteins. Don’t cut out carbs entirely, as this can force your body to burn protein for fuel. Half a cup of quinoa, barley or wild rice can be a perfect addition to any meal.
  4. Sleep more – Late nights can add up, and can get mess with your sleep cycle. Try to get to bed 10-15 minutes earlier each night, until you are fully back on schedule. It’s much easier to think straight and make better decisions when you are well rested.
  5. Don’t panic – Stay away from the scale this month if you feel that you’ve gained a few pounds. Hit all of your workouts this month, and add a few more during those good weeks! You might surprise yourself come February…

Sohale Ziaei

Product Manager
Innovative Fitness – Four Seasons
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