Morning Workout Tips

morning workout tips innovative fitness

What is the most common excuse given for missing workouts?

“I just didn’t have the time…”

As professional training coaches, we hear this constantly. It’s also the biggest reason people choose to wait to get started on an exercise plan, stating that they want to wait until they “have time to commit on a consistent basis”.

While we can certainly appreciate an attitude of wanting to be able to fully commit to something, the reality is that in our 21st century Western lifestyle, the demands of life are not likely to decrease in the near future. These constant demands make us feel like we are not in control of our own schedule, and like we don’t have time to take care of ourselves.

Hard-truth time: if you don’t take care of yourself now, the day will come when you are no longer capable of caring for those who depend on you. We need to prioritize our own self-care.

Our bodies are meant to move, and move often. At first, you may feel like you’re giving up precious time to fit in a workout. However, your body will quickly adjust and you’ll realize you’re not as tired and lethargic throughout the day, you’re more productive at work and at home, you’re able to keep up with your kids, and you’re getting a better night’s sleep.

Many of the most successful people on the planet all prioritize their health and exercise, even with incredibly demanding schedules.

  • Canadian Prime Minister – Justin Trudeau
  • US President – Barack Obama
  • Former Governor – Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • President & CEO of The Virgin Group – Sir Richard Branson

So how do they do it?

They workout first thing in the morning, before life and work get in the way.

Not only does this ensure they do not miss their workout, it also helps to give them more energy and clarity of thought for the demands of the day.

The truth is that for many people, the thought of getting up early to have a workout seems next to impossible. However, the human body is meant to follow the cycle of the sun: our bodies will naturally be more alert when exposed to light and will naturally begin to “power down” in the dark. Most people who say “that doesn’t apply to me” feel that way because they have unknowingly trained their bodies to to stick with a different routine. The good news is that it IS possible to hit the reset button. You just need to be committed to the process of changing your body’s rhythm.

how to work out in the morning tips

Here are a few tips to help you get to bed and wake up earlier so that you can have a great morning workout:

  1. Be consistent.
    • If you want to start getting up earlier, you need to do it every day. Yes, that includes weekends.
  2. Create a bedtime routine.
    • Do the same things, in the same order before bed every night. Your body will begin to recognize the routine, and “power down” as soon as you begin the routine – even if you weren’t feeling sleepy when you started.
  3. Set reminders.
    • To help create a habit, set an alarm to remind you to begin your routine at the same time each evening.
  4. Reduce caffeine after 2pm.
    • The effect of caffeine lingers long after the “pick-me-up” wears off, and can have seriously negative effects on your sleep quality, preventing you from falling into a deep, restorative sleep
  5. Reduce blue-light exposure in the evenings.
    • Blue light suppresses melatonin, a hormone closely linked to sleep. The biggest culprits of excessive blue-light in our lives? Screens – computer screens, tv screens, smartphone screens. While the best solution is to just turn them all off at least an hour before bed, some computers and smartphones have settings to reduce blue-light that you can turn on an hour before bed.
  6. Be accountable.
    • Having somebody hold you accountable to your new schedule, whether it’s your partner reminding you of your new bedtime routine, or a fitness buddy waiting for you at the gym. If you don’t have a gym buddy, consider hiring a coach. They’ll be there waiting for you, to guide you not only through workouts, but through every step of the process. The financial incentive of having paid for their services is also a great motivator! 

It might take a couple weeks before it starts to feel natural, but if you execute these tips on a consistent basis, you’ll be crushing your morning workout and feeling like a million bucks before you know it!

What IF you could?


Professional Training Coach / Product Manager

Innovative Fitness – TELUS Garden

p. 604.974.5942 / c. 604.314.8627

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