IF Kits Coach Of The Month: Pamela Haaf (Interview 2)

Posted in IF Insights

60 seconds with Pamela Haaf from IF Kits.

Describe yourself:

I’m a positive and energetic person with a lot of love and appreciation for the life I’ve been given. I love friends, fun, and adventure, being cheeky, and telling stories.

Who is your inspiration in the fitness industry?

I seem to plan most of my workouts around Bret Contreras, but Stu McGill has got to take the cake. He has trained the likes of Michael Jordan and George St. Pierre and is fiercely dedicated to safe, yet rigorous workout routines that are 100% backed by research, always asking WHY.

What is your must read book for other Personal Trainers? 

No book, but I find it so important to attend courses surrounded by other personal trainers and industry professionals. Anything with new research, be it on intrinsic motivation or maximizing neuromuscular connections or shoulder rehab, there’s ALWAYS more to learn.

If you could only pick one workout song what would it be?

Be Faithful – Fatman Scoop

dlAttach (3)What advice would you give anyone thinking of starting a career as a Personal Trainer? 

Learn as much as you can from others who have come before you. Be safe with your clients; know what movements you can crush them on and where you need to be careful. We only get one body. Be prepared to help people with a lot more than their strength, conditioning, and movement patterns. Take some psychology courses and make sure you’ve got your own support network.

Have a great 2016.

Pamela Haaf, 

Professional Training Coach and Events Manager
Innovative Fitness Kitsilano
p. 604 714 1661
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