Real Members, Real Results with Graham Brewster

Posted in IF Story

Length of time at Innovative Fitness? I’m coming up on two years working out twice a week at IF in Kits. My, how time flies.

How has training with Innovative Fitness helped you outside of just the physical sphere?

Motivation, confidence, and persistence (not to mention perspiration). Feels great to be in all-round good shape, which boosts confidence. That same motivation to crank out a last rep carries over into other aspects of life, leading to a driving persistence to finish a task, complete a goal, or whatever it may be to keep driving forward. It’s satisfying and gratifying.  

Where do you work?

I’m the managing director of World Housing. We build homes for families living in slums around the world.

Tell us about your most recent trip with World Housing.

We were in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia for 10 days, to visit the communities and do some filming for the launch of our new website. We’ve been building homes in Cambodia for two years now, and in that time we’ve built nearly 400 homes and housed thousands of people. I was there when the first home was gifted two years ago, so to see the impact of the communities, and the sheer number of smiling kids and families within those communities, was truly inspiring. A great reminder of why all the hard work is worth every minute.  Filming in the 35 degree heat was tough, though; anyone who has seen me at IF may recognize the copious amounts of sweat!

What are some ways people can get involved with World Housing?

We just launched our Legacy Community Project which is the first time ever that we’ve opened up to individual donations. With this project anyone can get involved to help us to build a community (and get a tax-receipt). What we’ve found is that people really relate to the cause, and appreciate our approach of proving the impact by connecting them with the home or community that they helped to build. It’s pretty incredible that for $5,000 you can buy a home for a family otherwise living in a slum. You can learn more about it on our website and by watching our video. Also, I’m always up for grabbing a coffee if anyone wanted to learn more.

Why do you CHALLENGE yourself physically and how did Innovative Fitness help you do this?

You’re always capable of doing more than you think or feel. It brings a certain sense of satisfaction when you realize this on a physical level, and I find that mindset carries over to other parts of my life, pushing myself in the same way. I’d never push those physical boundaries if it wasn’t for IF, taking me to those limits and well beyond. 

Graham BrewsterWhat is your biggest ADVERSITY surrounding your fitness and what do you do to overcome it?

The discipline to keep at it, week in and week out. With IF, I love the consistency of the schedule, but the variability of the workouts. It keeps it interesting and not monotonous, so it doesn’t become boring or too routine, yet having the same trainers keeps you honest with your levels and goals.

What has been your biggest VICTORY and most memorable experience at Innovative Fitness?

Completing the UBC Triathlon with friend and fellow IF member Graeme, as well as a group of training coaches including Michael, Ben, Bret, and a former coach I used to work with – it was quite the family affair. I’d been meaning to do a triathlon all my life, and there’s no better feeling than training for something, shedding a few pounds, and nailing it on race day. Awesome to train and succeed with a good crew as well – made those beers post-race taste mighty fine.

Bret Hodge,

Club Manager
Innovative Fitness Kitsilano
p. 604 714 1661  / c. 778 388 9125
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